Wednesday, February 3, 2021

A dry day?

So DB says, the pavements are dry and no sign of frost, fingers crossed its the same tomorrow!!

Had a message last night to say that EDF have taken over our power supply. I did a comparison to see what companies came out the cheapest to my horror not one of them came in under £80, we paid £39 a month and at  the last bill were £45+ in credit. We do not sit in a freezing house, sit in the dark, do no clothes washing etc. We do have solar panels on the roof which feeds into our electricity supply, that helps. The council put them on as an experiment years ago, they do seem to keep the costs down.

We had a prayer letter yesterday from the couple who travel round schools etc telling bible stories. They have not been able to do this for the past year. They said that they were encouraging people NOT to have the vaccine, I think their two daughters who live with them must spend all their time on the internet, they came out with various reasons why we should not have the vaccine. I am afraid I think they are very silly, they will be spending the rest of their lives in isolation, even though a majority of the population will have the vaccine, the virus will still be present, its not just going to go away, in fact we have been told, that like the flu, it can and will mutate, and we may well have to have a jab each winter.

Supper tonight will be cauli and broc gratin with jacket spud and baked tomato.  Not sure what dessert will be could be rice pudding.


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