Monday, February 1, 2021

Its Monday again

commonly known as horrid pill day.

Pinch an' a punch for the first of the month...

The pork I cooked for supper was lovely and I crisped up the fat to make crackling. DB does not like it, so all the more for me!!!

I spent most of yesterday reading, I finished one book on my tablet, halfway through another one. I kept the sewing room door firmly closed all day. It was a fine day so I turned the bedroom heat off and opened the window, blew the germs away.....DB turned it back on when he went for his siesta.

Bed linen in the washer, cleaner is here today. We should be hearing about the new bed shortly it has a foot board so I will no longer have to haul the quilt and duvet back onto the bed. and I can drape the duvet over to air the bed.

Supper tonight will be egg and chips, possibly rice pudding as well, we will see.


Have just had to spend an hour undoing a block for the quilt, I had sewn the wrong colours together, it was only when I laid them out on the floor I realised...grrrrr......I will have to cut some half square triangles, I have a ruler for that somewhere. I have lost a cop of thread I use to sew blocks together, looked everywhere for it. I also forgot the library van was coming, DB came through to ask if it had been......A quick glance out, he was still there, so dashed out to change the books, cannot do without our library books!!

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