Tuesday, February 2, 2021


to a wet Tuesday, at least its not snow which I believe is falling in the north.

Yesterday was a day of undoing blocks, I finally managed to get all six of the embroidered blocks finished. I now have to do the rest, not sure I like the layout I was thinking of, will have to wait until I have the plainer blocks done and then see what it looks like laid out. I did have a success with the 'football' fabric I wanted for the back. The lady I emailed sent me a note to say that she had managed to get 4 metre's for me. I will get it next week.

I have to admit my quilting skills have suffered a bit through me not doing any for a while. 

3 loads of washing done yesterday, last load in the dryer, will fold it up and it can go away.

Supper tonight is beef and bean casserole with veggies, I am going to cook some swede and carrots to mash together for a change, may do some peas for a change.

Dessert the last of the crumble.

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