Friday, August 27, 2021

Another aarrggg day

 awake early this morning, decided not to have a shower today but in the morning instead, then we will have another on Sunday night when we get home. I have no idea what to pack, tomorrow is supposed to be sunny and warm!! 

I have got to grips with my phone and have at last managed to sort out the problems with the camera's. I now have to get rid of something I really do not want, but it keeps coming up and I cannot see how to delete it.

Its another very cold day and grey, a few spots of rain this morning. Gardener has been and started to cut down the bushes etc in the garden, the green waste bin is overflowing!! DB has also laid out the slabs to join up with the paths up the garden.

I now have all our clothes in one wardrobe, they will be getting moved again next week. Then I can put the wardrobe up for sale. I am planning on having a big clear out after watching Nick Knowles new show last night. Our clutter is not as bad as that but bad enough and its time it went. Started a box to go to the charity shop, freed up 6 shoe boxes, no idea what to do with them, they were free when I bought an 8 drawer chest from Argos.

Supper tonight is fish and chips, I brought a packet of fresh peas and carrots from my neighbours, they are going out of date, so I will cook some and the rest will have to go in the freezer. There were also 2 chocolate sundaes which will be our dessert.

I may be absent tomorrow, depends how things go.

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