Thursday, August 26, 2021

Another grey morning

It was so cold yesterday afternoon I put the heat on, DB complained he was hot!! Sorry mate if you are that hot, sit in the garden!!

Did not do much yesterday and today looks like being much the same, I just cannot raise any energy. Out of sorts with the quilt, I need to mackle together two small blocks to finish it, my brain just cannot cope with it.

I have to go back with my plate, my big back tooth is causing a problem, so next week will see me on my way back again.

I have just realised I ordered the wrong phone!!! aahhgggg, I am stuck with it for 3 years, it is bigger than my old one, but I still have problems with fat fingers. I have a feeling there is a stylus for it, may have to go down that route.

Supper tonight will be beef casserole and veg. The garden is still going mad producing beans, will look like one soon!! Have given a lot away. There is enough caramelle for tonight.

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