Monday, September 20, 2021

A new day

We had rain yesterday, it cleared in the afternoon and it was a nice evening. Washing machine on, should get the laundry dry on the line. Will clean the bedroom when I have changed the bed, also want to make a loaf. Plenty of flour.

So we are on day 5, no sign of the dreaded covid as yet, half way through,

Just to be on the safe side I have ordered 14 Wiltshire Farm Foods suppers, will split them between the two freezers. Have also done a bulk order for meat. Intend to bring in the meat etc we need for this week, to make room in the outside freezer for that as well. Looks like a busy morning.

DB will be going out to the garden. I am going to get the gardener back on Friday regardless, there is plenty for him to do. In the mean time will try and take the cuttings if I don't get to it I will pot up one of each of the plants and overwinter them, take the cuttings in the spring.

Supper tonight is smoked haddock with a poached egg and bread and butter. No dessert.

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