Tuesday, September 21, 2021

More laundry

We should have been waking up in Yorkshire........instead we are here trying to keep up with household tasks. I did manage the quilt yesterday, although I had to sit down to put the pillow cases on. I then cleaned the bedroom, used the micro mop (Ken Dodd) to go round the ceiling and walls behind the wardrobe. Disturbed a couple of spiders, they are now learning to swim!!

We had a showers this morning, so I have cleaned down the tiles. I discovered a couple of small patches of black mould, one of them is behind the sealant round the shower, will have to get it off and get the sealant redone. Floors need steaming. Its 2 weeks since they were last done.

Towels are in the washer, should dry outside......DB says its going to be dry all day.

Need to cook the pork casserole for supper, will put the Ninja on whilst I am finishing cleaning the bathroom and toilet.

Expecting a delivery today, it will go straight in the outside freezer. 

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