Tuesday, September 14, 2021

At last

we have rain. not heavy, just a steady down pour, much needed.

I went to DD2's for a cuppa yesterday, have not seen her since the beginning of August. DGD was there too on a day off.

I took the bags to one of the charity shops and they refused them, so I did a trawl and found another shop that would take them. I still have books to go, another half box full.

As its raining I will concentrate on making sure we have everything but the last minute stuff in the cases for next week. We are back for 10 days and then off again to the Cotswolds for a long weekend.

My neighbour is doing much better, more confident, but still needs quite a bit of help. Her daughter is coming from Spain on Friday to cover whilst her son and us are away. So no sleepless nights wondering if she is ok.

Coffee at the little chapel tomorrow, although we may be late, they are coming to sort out the Japanese knotweed around 10am. as you can only get to it from our side they will need to come into the back garden.

Supper tonight is quiche, baked potato and beans, as requested by DB.

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