Monday, September 13, 2021

Another grey day

I do wish it would rain, not storm type rain, but gentle, ground soaking rain. The ground is so dry and DB is hassling me to get plants in. No way whilst the ground is so dry.

Laundry is on, think it will be going in the dryer, I want to get it done and away.

Starting to get organised for next Monday, two wheeled cases on the bed in the sewing room. DB has a list, so things have to be ticked off as they go in. When we went away the other weekend he forgot to put his razor by the bag, so it did not go with us.

This afternoon he is going to Evergreens, so I am dropping stuff off at the charity shop and then going on to see DD2 for a cuppa and a chat.

Egg and chips tonight, need to use up some eggs before they go out of date.

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