Wednesday, September 1, 2021

pinch an' a punch

the first of september and the heating has come on, its cold and grey again.

Sheets in the washer, they will go in the dryer.

Coffee morning at the little chapel this morning, a chance to catch up with friends again.

Feeling a bit down this morning, I am worried about Aimee, I think she may have something called Hypertonia....... I am saying nothing, not my problem.

I need to spend some time in the garden, the pots need emptying and getting ready for the bulbs to go in, I will take cuttings from the geraniums and possibly the fuchsias for next year. I need to phone the nursery and see if they will plant up the hanging baskets with pansies.

Need to get my shopping list for Aldi done, I need to stock up a bit now winter is on the horizon.

Supper tonight, beef casserole, will do the veg shortly so I just have to cook it later. We are not eating dessert just now.

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