Thursday, September 2, 2021

Grey days again

very depressing.

Coffee morning was good just 6 of us in the end. Quite a bit of chat.

My neighbour was discharged from hospital on Tuesday, yesterday morning she fell on the hall, she was on the floor for 4 hours waiting for an ambulance. She is still at home, she was very shaken but no broken bones. I really feel she should not be at home. Her son has taken time off from work to try and sort something out. I am going over this afternoon for a cup of tea.

Off to Aldi this morning, I am not buying fruit or veg from there, we will go to the market on Saturday, the stuff is fresher and lasts longer.

Chicken with rice for supper tonight, DB is still loosing weight, me? forget it, despite eating less I am still the same. I know the key is exercise but what do you do when your back screams in agongy after 10 minutes???


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