Wednesday, September 8, 2021


yesterday and it looks like the same today.

All the laundry dried, have towels in this morning which will go out shortly.

My neighbour across the road is doing much better, she is more confident using her walking frame and thanks to the help she is getting she is eating better as well. Her cleaner is in this morning, so I will go over this afternoon whilst DB has his siesta. her daughter is coming over from Spain for two weeks whilst her son and we are away.

All DB's clothes, shoes and coats are in the wardrobe in the wall in our bedroom, I am hoping to get my stuff put away too. I have a feeling the two suitcases will be going under the bed to leave the base clear for my shoes. Then I will tidy everything thats going to the charity shop into a couple of bags and I might then be able to see the floor and chair.

I sold two things yesterday, need to have a rummage and see what else I can find to go out. The wardrobe is almost empty, just about 10 years of diaries DB refuses to throw out to deal with and my handbags and the 'monster' can go. I will put it on the local facebook pages and see if I can sell it otherwise it will be going either to the chapel or the furniture place in Melton.

Supper tonight is sausage and mash, possibly with cabbage, the greyhound cabbages are ready. No dessert.

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