Saturday, October 2, 2021

A Change in the weather

Yesterday it was cold but sunny, it did warm up a bit after lunch, but soon got cold again, fleece throws. At the ready.

I finished 4 more snow flakes, will not get any done today. We have just been to get fresh fruit to last us through to our order coming on Friday. DB has a hospital appointment this afternoon to see about getting his second cateract done.

Its a grey morning according to DB we are to get heavy rain.......still it saves me watering the garden, believe me it needs it, only the top 3 inches have benefitted from the rain so far.

T planted the 3 clematis yesterday, two either side on the outside of the arch and the one in the middle on the inside. He ut the sod of grass back to protect the roots.

Yesterday the ladies announced the next embroidery retreat 1 - 3rd of April, I was the first to sign up. I have not gone before because I could not leave DB, however this time they have allowed for husbands or partners to go as here's to learning much more about my Stellaire and also some fun. Its not all work!!

All day breakfast this morning, need to take the chicken out of the freezer for tomorrow, no dessert as yet.

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