Thursday, August 18, 2022

Another rainy morning

not that it bothers us, its cool which is the main thing and we need the rain, the garden has perked up quite a bit, even the grass is starting to show a bit of green.

I was very sad to hear last night that an old friend had passed away, he was a very wealthy man, but used his money to good purpose, he will be sadly missed.

Yesterdays coffee morning was very well attended for a change, quite a lot of laughs as well as general conversation. I got an order for one of the Celtic runners, have enough fabric to do a slightly larger one, so started it yesterday. I have got the idea now and find it much less of a faff to do them, I have found a way to cut close to the edge of the stitching without cutting it, which helps a great deal.

Towels in the washer, they will have to go in the dryer, its too wet to hang them out. When I read the meters on Monday we had used hardly any gas and less then half our usual electricity. It will be up this week.

Frittata and salad tonight, probably ice cream for dessert.

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