Saturday, August 20, 2022

A cooler morning

but no rain. I think I forgot to post yesterday, sorry. Nothing much to report.

The electrician came and put us an extractor fan in, it is not on an outside wall, but goes up through the ceiling, across the attic and out, a really nice neat job. So, thankfully I did not have a dust ridden kitchen to clean. We had covered up the stuff that sits on the side, but it was not neccessary, a quick flip over the glass to the cooker, hoover up the floor and it was done.

Its a nice cool morning, apparently will get up to 22c at some point, that I can handle.

I have a gammon joint to cook this morning, will slice it tomorrow when its cold. It will go in the freezer for salad or sandwiches. I have 2 small gammon steaks to cook for tonight, so ADB for supper

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