Wednesday, August 3, 2022


and we still have quite a strong wind. I have a load of coloureds in the washer. Yesterdays dried quickly thanks to the breeze. The sun is trying to shine.

Meal prep done yesterday, cooked a beef casserole and also did some beetroot. We had half the casserole last night and the rest is in the freezer for another day.

It was very windy all day. We still have not had much rain, expceting a hose pipe ban later. I have been watering the pots with cold washing up water, pour it into a watering can and leave it to go cold then use it on the pots. Monday night I cut 2 more of the tree lilies, the wind yesterday blew the rest into oblivion, so I was glad I rescued the last two.

Coffee morning at the little chapel..... we will have a wander round later.

Not sure whats for supper tonight, will have to have a look at the menu list on the fridge door. 

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