Tuesday, August 2, 2022

More laundry

Washer on again this morning, also have a load of coloureds to do maybe Thursday.

Bright morning but windy, the temperature got up to 24 yesterday, not too bad, at least the wind will dry the laundry.

My cleaners car is poorly, so I gave her a lift home yesterday, she is borrowing her step fathers car until hers is mended. She is supposed to be going to Ireland for 2 weeks at the end of next week.

The tomatoes are doing well, plenty of the little , very sweet ones, you really can taste the difference. Always reminds me of Vi, the Chairman of Suntrap, she used to grow Gardeners Delight, she ate them like sweeties straight from the greenhouse.

Tomorrow is coffee at the little chapel, not sure how many will be there, its holiday time.

Supper tonight will be beef casserole, the first 'hot' meal apart from Sunday that we have had for a while. It was salad all the way whilst it was so hot. Apparnetly we are due another spell later this month.

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