Friday, August 5, 2022

Hospital visit

DB has an appointment today for a chest XRay re his cough, Our Dr thinks is could be a side effect of one of the medications he is taking, so off we go this morning. Fortunately it is at our local hospital.

A bright morning, with quite a breeze, not forecast to be so warm today. It keeps clouding over though.

Much to our surprise our neighbour across the road who has been in hospital, was brought home last night. She is diabetic and only has one kidney which is failing, so she is on dialysis 3 times a week. She lives on her own since her husband died.

I made 2 book covers yesterday, I found instructions to make then in one hooping and they have turned out ok. I still think the batting is too thick though, so just another 4 to go.

Time to go, bye for now,

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