Saturday, August 13, 2022

More of the same

I managed to go to the supermarket, was up at 7.30 and in the shop at 8.20.

There were quite a few people in the shop, a few empty shelves but not too bad. I did buy a 5L container of still water, just in case.

By the time I got home the sun was blazing down and continued all day, the fan in the living room was on for several hours. Nothing much done at all apart from getting supper. was in the sewing room for a while, but did not do any sewing, just clearing up a bit. Spent sometime reading. exhausted by bed time, so was off to sleep quite quickly.

DB spoke to the Dr yesterday morning, he told him his XRay was clear which we knew, he has given him  a nose spray which we collected this morning.

I think supper may be something with salad, its really too hot for a cooked meal, I have some cooked gammon in the freezer will use some of that. It may well just be ice cream for dessert.

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