Friday, August 26, 2022

sunny but cool

Its a bank holiday weekend here, we usually have bad weather any time its a holiday, but the forecast is quite good for this weekend. Not that we will be going anywhere.

The two new heaters came yesterday, I have to put the wheels on the small one which is going in the bedroom.

Yesterday I decided to do the larger two Celtic runners, I am more confident doing them now and also getting better at trimming them without cutting the stitches. I still have the instructions close by so I can check what comes next.

DB is out in the garden, the gardener is here today, the front clematis need cutting back and now the soil is a bit softer he may be able to weed the herbaceous border. DB is running the greenhouse down, although he will put some lettuce in there over winter.

Supper tonight is fish and chips, not decided on a dessert, but it may well be plums.

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