Saturday, August 27, 2022

Bank holiday weekend

It looks as if the weather is going to be ok this weekend, We are known for having bad weather on Public holidays. We rarely go out on a jolly, prefer not to spend most of the time sitting in queues on the roads. The same with holidays, we go out of season and well away from school holidays.

I am well on the way through the second largest runner, I have had to send for more fabric to do the biggest one. Have to say the larger ones are rather wasteful of fabric. I managed to put the inserts on the present one using squares that covered them rather than a large piece of fabric which has to be cut away. They are quite wasteful on stabilizer as well, so I have been sewing strips together. stabilizer is not cheap. The largest runner used the 9 x 14 hoop, which is a massive piece of stabilizer and you have to use it double to support the dense stitching.

Sausage and mash tonight with cabbage and carrot, possibly ice cream for dessert.

DB is out in the garden, it is not a bad morning, but did notice an autumnal mist hanging over the hill. I am on my way through to complete another part of the runner

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