Thursday, August 11, 2022

The Heat

is affecting my brain, all the way into town to do my shopping and see mt old neighour, went without my bag!!! Idiot. We called to see B and stayed for an hour before coming home. I will get up at 7.30am tomorrow and go into town to do the shopping DB will have to stay at home we have the workmen coming to look at the roof where the bords were nesting.

Lovely day yesterday out for breakfast, 2 lots of flowers and then at lunch time a box containing a Cornish cream tea, all the makings of a tea, scones, jam, cream, Cornish tea bags and biscuits......a surprise and very welcome, so no cooking for me yesterday and the same today, we will have rolls with the last of the fruit crumble at lunchtime and the 2 scones, jam etc which we saved from yesterday, so no supper needed, with the heat we are not earing as much, and certainly not hot food anyway.

I managed 2 bits of the table runner yesterday, two bits to do today if I can be bothered.

My friend in the US sent me a card which was a bit early, I knew who it was from, opened it yesterday morning, thank you. B and I started a friendship some 20 years ago through a quilting site we were both on, it is still going strong, we have seen each other through the various strees and strains of life as you get older. I count her as one of my very best friends.

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