Monday, August 1, 2022

The sun is back

but not forecast to be as hot was it was a couple of weeks ago. There is a breeze as well which helps keep it cooler.

Nothing much done yesterday although I did manage to get an hour on the machine making the third book cover, if this one is carp thats it will have to find a simpler pattern.

I cooked the chicken in the ninja yesterday, it was delicious, nice and moist, we will have whats left for supper tonight in a salad. We also finished off the raspberries in jelly.

Stripped the bed, sheets etc, in the washer, should get them dry, then another set for S who does my ironing.

I have had a message from my cleaner, she has car problems, so will get here when she can. Hope she makes it, it takes two of us to put the quilt cover on!! DB is hopeless, just stands and looks at it and I end up doing it myself.

DB has been out to the greenhouse to water and brought in a load of little tomato's, he says we have more cucumbers and courgettes coming. I cooked climbing beans yesterday, they were awful, I have told DB not to let them get so long, pick them when they are about handspan size.

Better get myself into gear and get on with the day.

Apricot roses on the obelisk, we cut the rose back late last year, all the flowers have been on the top this year. You can just see the purple clematis which is on the same obelisk.

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