Monday, August 22, 2022

Wash day

Better nights sleep last night, wish I could sleep through without having to get up for the loo!!

Laundry in, quite a small load, I was late doing it last week, hopefully it will dry. We are not forecast rain, but there are dark clouds on the horizon.

Yesterday was a quiet day, I did do a bit of clearing up in the sewing room. S will be coming today to collect the laundry to iron. She has been on holiday. My cleaner is still away, hope she will be back next week, although Monday is a bank holiday.

No real plans for the day, need to phone B and see if she wants anything from Aldi, Thursday is shopping day and we will call in to see her for half an hour.

The extractor fan was fitted on Friday, chap routed it though the attic made a hole in the kitchen ceiling and small one for the outlet outside. I was aware it was working yesterday, just a faint hummm.

I have a gammon joint to slice this morning, will leave out enough for tonights supper and freeze the rest.

So gammon and salad tonight and more of yesterdays blackberry and apple crumble for dessert.

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