Friday, July 21, 2023


as DD1 brought Niblet yesterday I did not do my usual shop, so I went this morning, of course Friday is the day after pay day for some people, the shop was very busy. I managed to get all I wanted and was home in just after an hour. DB stayed at home, so did not want to be faffing about too long. Everything has been put away. I have the stuff out to make some soup which we will have tomorrow.

Its a fine morning, the sun keeps coming and going, gardener is due this afternoon, so DB has a list for him.

Niblets visit went off very well, he spent most of the time on a game computer he has. He appears to be very intelligent, his reading age is 10, he was 6 in march.....his speech is  very clear, although he does tend to go a bit fast when he is explaining something.......his handwriting is also good.

We nipped to the garden centre yesterday afternoon, when DB got up, treated ourselves to tea and cake, so no supper last nnight, just poached egg on toast.

I managed an extra case the other day, just have to finished it off and put the snap fastner on.

We will finish off the pasta for supper tonight with a small salad.

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