Saturday, July 22, 2023

Its the weekend

bad night, DB settled down and then could not get to sleep, so we were burning the midnight oil drinking tea. Did not wake up till 9am, so a late start.

We finished off the chicken and bacon pasta last night, I cheated and got a jar of lasagne sauce, used a bit with some milk to slaken what was left in the casserole dish, it went down very nicely thank you. I have some pasta sheets, so may well use it to make a lasagne with the rest of the sauce.

Gardener here yesterday, I had words with DB, I had several jobs I wanted doing, DB set him on something else, really annoyed me, it was something that did not need doing really until autumn. I was not a little cross. I pulled back the net over the raspberries, picked half a bowl full, they will be cut down next week ready to be dug out in the autumn.

Feeling a bit peely wally this morning, so a taking it easy day, my stress levels were off the radar yesterday....... apart from my spat with DB I also made some soup and also cooked enough mince for 3 meals. Think on top of the shopping, I did a bit too much.

We are having fish and chips tonight, and going out for lunch tomorrow. We are also out for lunch on Monday at DD2's a belated lunch for DB's 90th which he celebrated in hospital.

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