Sunday, March 17, 2024

Last doing nothing day

We had our usual lie in this morning, it was 10.30 before my feet touched the ground. We both had a decent nights sleep. 8+ hours for me.

Woke to rain, but it has cleared up and the sun is shining, how long for is anyones guess. Have parcelled up some pillows for the bin men tomorrow, We have 4 each on the bed, I chuck 3 out DB usually 2. so the six I found  packed in boxes are going out.

Wall to wall rugby yesterday, I managed to read almost half a book whilst DB watch the TV.

Veggies prepped for tonights supper, roast chicken, roast potatoes and mixed veg......DB has taken a liking to a mixture of peas, sweetcorn sliced carrot and green beans. I have a couple of raspberry trifles for dessert.

Have to admit I am still very tired, but the sewing room is going to be up, if not running by next weekend. M is hoping to come over and put up shelves etc as they are now needed. So I have to pull my finger out and get it sorted. 

Wednesday we have an appointment to get our hair cut in Hose, so will call at the coffee morning as well, possibly call at C & C for lunch on the way home.

I am reverting to the ding dinners once a week and an occasional lunch out. Have put money aside in our budget for it. I caught sight of myself in the mirror this morning, no colour and bags you could keep books in under my eyes, time to finish off the unpacking and sit back and relax!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad things are getting sorted at your new home and that you plan to tackle the sewing room in the coming week. How nice that will be getting that room arranged to your liking and making use of the new shelving M will kindly put up for you.
    Cheers for good sleep, too! It's going to take lots of sleep in naps and nights to make up for the profound exhaustion caused by the move!
    I, too, resort to books when DH has sports on the TV I love reading as you do, so that's a good exchange!
    Cold nights hear freezing here for the week ahead.

