Ramblings from a good food town
Monday, April 15, 2024
Saturday, April 13, 2024
Cleaner day, sheets etc changed. Now the house is under control the cleaner is able to pull in other jobs, she washed down the kitchen cupboards and cleaned the cooker hood and gas hob.
I did some sewing yesterday, I have almost finished the extra mat for Goshi, just have to put the centre in. I have ordered some pale blue gingham check to make a cafe curtains for the front kitchen window. The one I bought is too small, I need some cream cotton lace to put inserts in
Fine this morning, we did have a rain shower when I was cleaning the kitchen windows. Sheets are on the airer in the porch, they should dry ok. I just need to iron them then.
DB spent just over half an hour in the garage and garden, waiting for A to come and put the boxes and crates in the loft.
Supper is ham salad with baby new potato's, no dessert.
What a disaster day. The day started at 1am with DB moaning about his foot hurting, I ended up getting him painkillers and tea. We set off just after 9am. and arrived at the garage and checked the car in for MOT and service, picked up a courtesy car and set off to take the shears and scissors to be sharpened. The ongoing work on the A46 meant there were various road closures resulting in DB getting an earful because he just would not shut up and took me the wrong way several times. We drove back to Leicester and went to Greggs for a sandwich and a drink. I rang the garage and was told the car would not be ready until 5 pm, this was at 1.30.......not happy, we went back to the garage and our car was still standing where we left it......I was not pleased and let them know. Eventually We were told we could keep the courtesy car overnight and they would deliver our car back to us tomorrow......with that we set off home.
It has rained most of the day and the wind is something else, needless to say I was happy to get home.
Supper was a ding dinner, pasta bake and garlic bread.DB informed me that he really liked it and I should get it again!!
Woke up after a 9.24 hours sleep, with everything that went on yesterday I was exhausted. It was not raining but SUNNY could not believe it.
DB out to the garden, me a date with the iron. I dried the sheets in the porch on the airer. Worked well, will try it with a white load later and see how that works. Thicker things will still have to go in the dryer.
I managed to finish the mat for Goshi and had a quick tidy up. Sorted out the stuff for Alison tomorrow. B is also coming in the morning to link up the printer. Next time I buy one I will get it from him and get him to set it up. I have had nothing but problems with printers and this one is no exception.
Did a bit in the garden, the rest of the day was just messing around the car came back just after 4pm, bill was not as much as expected........I now need to find a good local garage.
Supper was quiche DB had potato's and mixed veg with his, I had jacket potato and mixed veg.
B came this morning and sorted out the printer, linked it to both lap tops, so no more having to sort out DB's printing for him. A friend came for me to pass on all I know about free standing lace. She bought one of the table runners I made for the craft fair last year.
Just as she was going Morrison arrived with a small delivery.
I was so tired I ended up going to bed before the end of Vera.
A & G came in this morning G is going to cut the grass, A is going to put the stuff up in the loft so the place will at last be cleared. Just need to sort what we are going to do with the TV that was in our bedroom. Loath to make a hole in the wall to have the ariel put through. Gave G the mats I finished yesterday.
The library bus did not come, apparently it has broken down so a month without books.......
Load of coloured washing on the airer in the porch, I may put it out by the back door in the garden, will see later.
A & G met Little Miss from school and then they came here. I got the mower out, and it worked first time. Considering we bought it 10 years ago and only used it for 2 years, it was brilliant. G made a good job of the grass and then set too on a couple of the borders. A and DB spent most of the time deciding how to join up the water barrels at the back of the garage!! The empty boxes for my machine and empty plastic boxes have now disappeared. The dehydrator went home with A & G. so at last the house is starting to look ok. Its only taken us 6 weeks.
I am going to have to think of a new title of my blog, we no longer live in the country.............
Fish and chips for supper, We are not eating desserts just now, might do blackberry and apple one for Sunday.
Saturday we went over to C & C, DB wanted a courgette plant, it was treat day so hot chocolate and a toasted tea cake. I bought some bedding plants. Called at the Hanger to put in some more stuff.
Supper gammon new potato's and peas.
Saturday, April 6, 2024
Easter Sunday
M came this morning and at last my sewing room is looking as it should!! two shelves and a wall unit up, just a couple of crates to empty and I can finish the two mats I started for G. before we moved.
Its been fine all day, forecast is for it to rain all day tomorrow........we are going to the garden centre to see what plants they have. The visit by our old gardener has been put off until the weather inproves a bit.
Supper tonight roast pork, potato's, cauli and carrots. I have creme caramel for dessert.
Wet morning and freezing cold, went up to C & C DB brought a tomato, onions and sweet peas. I got pulsittila and an apricot foxglove. They are on trays on the porch window cill till it warms up a bit. We indulged in a mug of hot chocolate.......delicious. just before we left J came in with her daughter and grandson, so was able to catch up with the news from Hose. It will be May before we get to the next coffee morning.
Left a load of laundry on when we went out, put it in the dryer when we got back.......
Gammon sliced for supper, doing jacket spud and salad with it.
At last the sewing room is up and ready to roll. DB spent. Some time in the garden, I hand ironed the sheets from last week, I was crackered by the time I finished. DB went for his siesta early. We set off for Aldi and then to see our old neighbour. The infection has spread to both legs now, she is on anti bioics. I noticed a distinct change in her, her hearing is much worse and she has very limited sight as well, signs of short term memory loss. Very sad. Its been quite a warm day and no rain......wonders will never cease.
Supper ......Lamb casserole with new potato's and mixed veg. Some creme caramel for dessert.
So with the sewing room almost ready, here are the photos.....
Saturday, March 30, 2024
Monday again
Bed change day, cleaner came early so we sorted the bed and she then went on to do all the cleaning, I have to admit she is very through and quick. She used the steam mop to do the bathroom and kitchen floors. Had to dry the sheets in the dryer, I have not managed to get the whirly up as yet. We had several rain showers during the day.
I managed to sort out some shrubs for the front garden, I am not spending a lot on the garden, been caught that way before.
Supper was cold lamb left from yesterday, jacket spud and salad. Lemon cheese cake for dessert.
Tomorrow we hope to get the bed out of the sewing room and the cutting table in about time too. Then it will be crates and machine boxes in the attic out of the way.
I have an idea for my first project once I get the big machine up and running.......watch this space.
Tuesday we managed to get the legs back on the table and move it back into the sewing room, the fold up bed is now in the sitting room awaiting collection. I now need to sort out the last 2 boxes, put things back on the shelves and at last free the machine from it bag and get it back on the table.
It was a fine but rather cold day. Did another load of washing, had to dry it in the dryer, will be glad to get the whirly up so I can hang stuff out to dry, save a bit of electric.
DB spent some time in the garage sorting stuff out, he still has not found the circut breaker so I have sent for a new one. I have also sent for some filters for the extractor in the kitchen.
Supper was egg, chips and beans. DB had the remaining cheese cake.
Wednesday morning we went on a town trip. First to draw some cash and then to Morrison to see what plants they had. Selection was dire and a lot of them were either dying or dead. Did get a couple. We then went on to the hanger to put stuff in, had to wait age. From there we went next door to QD. I bought 6 new pairs of socks, we also bought some plants, I was miffed, I had ordered one plant from Parkers, I could have bought one half the price in QD!! Came on home for lunch, just beating a downpour, it's very windy too which makes it feel cold.
DD2 and GGD came for an hour this afternoon.
Unpacking is still going on, I need to sort it before the weekend, hoping to get shelves up then I can finish sorting the sewing room out and get the machine up.
Supper tonight is lasagne. No dessert.
Maundy Thursday, a bright start to the day, including our pensions landing 4 days early. Morrison came with a delivery and we high tailed it down to the surgery to try and get ourselves on a Drs list somewhere. There has been so much building on the outskirts of the town, the surgery is over subscribed. A second surgery has past the first stage of getting permission, finding a suitable building, part of the council offices which has a huge carpark. One of the main problems with the present surgery is a miniscule car park. We have to park in Morrisons car park.
Fold up bed collected and lady came to pick up the hooping station, so I am in the money again, not for long though,
Supper was beef casserole, mash and mixed veg. We had a donut each with our evening drink. Friday tomorrow.
Good Friday, a Bank Holiday here, started off sunny but boy the wind is cold.
DB went out to mess about in the garage, I decided to cook the belly pork for tomorrow, will leave it in the fridge overnight and then freeze half of it.
I still have to tackle the sewing room, I am going to put all the stuff that goes on the shelves into a plastic bin till I have the shelves up, that means I can get the machine up and the cutting table sorted. I have found a lady in Melton who does machine embroidery, she bought the hooping station yesterday. We plan to keep in touch.
Supper tonight, fish and chips, I have 2 stale currant buns am going to make them into a bread and butter pudding for dessert.
So this morning I set out to finally sort out the sewing room. After a discussion with DB I decided to move the smaller of the two bookcases over next to the machine table. After a bit of a struggle I am getting there.
Nice sunny morning but still cold, we had very heavy and prolonged showers last evening, lovely rainbow in the sky.
DB spent some time in the garden moving stuff around. I cooked a gammon joint we will have some for supper tomorrow and I will slice the rest for meals or sandwiches.
Supper tonight is belly pork casserole and pilu rice. The rest of the bread and butter pudding for dessert.
Sunday, March 24, 2024
Back to weekly
I have decided to go back to weekly digests now we are more settled.
Our last do nothing day was yesterday, today we start a new regime DB has half an hour in the garage I have an hour in the sewing room, I hope to get it sorted this week, am fed up of having 'stuff' in our bedroom.
Load of dark laundry in, I need to get Alex to come and dig a hole for the whirly and concrete it in, its a fine morning I could peg out.
Another 8 hour sleep, fingers crossed my sleep pattern is starting to straighten its self out a bit, will see how we go tonight.
Tomorrow we need to go to Sainsbury and stock up on ding dinners, Wednesday we have a hair appointment in Hose and will stay for the coffee morning, lunch at C & C and then home. thats treat day for this week.
Its a bright morning sun shining, not been out so not sure if its cold or not.
Supper is chicken and salad, with jacket potato.
It was raining when we set out Tuesday morning to do a round trip. Returned the Lifeline to the council, the movers packed it by mistake. We then went on to hand a bag full of stuff at the Air Ambulance shop and Sainsbury. Picked up 6 days ready meals, may have one tomorrow when we get back from Hose, then home.
The rain stopped mid morning, its a bit colder than it has been, sun is out. inspected the catoneaster which is gradually over whelming the beautiful red camelia in the garden, I need to gird my loins and cut the wretched things back, there are two stone pots in that side of the garden, will be emptying the soil out of them and planting them up with some spring bedding plants. I need to get the whirly up in the garden, I could have dried the laundry outside yesterday.
Supper tonight is beef cobbler but with sliced potato rather than savory scone. carrots and cauliflower. No dessert.
The camelia in the garden that is almost obliterated.
Up early this morning, we had an appointment to get our hair cut, I had reversed the car in yesterday to make it a bit easier to get out this morning. I was able to do a bit of nifty driving to get round a long line of traffic waiting to get out onto Burton Road. We went the back way to Scalford and on to Hose. We have come to an arrangement with the hairdresser that we make an appointment for a wednesday either before or after the coffee the next time we need out hair cut. Went on to the coffee morning, quite well attended, was pleased to see J, she still has a nasty lump on her forehead. B has decided that he is not going back to the farm, he is bringing his parents up from Devon and will be their carer along with some outside help. His hand is improving, he is waiting to hear about getting the pin out of his finger. Stopped at C & C for egg on toast before we travelled home. DB went for his siesta, I spent some time reading. DD2 called in on her way to collect little miss from school.
It has rained on and off for most of the day, no unpacking done, back to it tomorrow, hope fully will managed to get a bit more done.
Weird thing last night , wednesday, at lunch time when I went to eat a piece of toast I got a pain shoot straight up the right side of my face.
For a late supper we had bacon rolls I was aware that the right side of my jaw was puffy, it swelled up very quickly, into my cheek, I could not chew on that side of my mouth. An hour later it had gone down!! Its fine this morning......... Did not swell up when I had breakfast and has been ok so far.
Just after 9am a knock on the door, the window cleaner, brilliant he comes every 6 - 8 weeks and is very reasonable, he cleaned all round the frames as well as the windows.
Thursday was a bit unproductive, I did some 'finding where to put things' but that was all.
When we were coming home on Wednesday We saw T the gardener, he is going to come over for a day and have a go at the garden for us. He knows what he is doing. I will collect him and take him back. Think we might need him for 2 days.
I have decided I need to clear the machine table and get the machine up again, that way I can get rid of two bulky items. M said he was hoping to come over at the weekend, apparently he has had a very bad cold. If he can sort the shelves in the sewing room, it will not take me long then to unpack the rest. I have put the fold up bed on Gumtree to see if I can sell it. it has never been used.
Saturday was stock up day at Aldi, we left just after 9am, went to Aldi spent a mint but will only need perrishable stuff from Morrison. We then went on to The Hanger to put in more stuff for the Air Ambulance, 2 mirrors and a wall unit that had been in the kitchen. DB forgot to put the bag with the other stuff in the car, so its still sat in the sitting room. Message ffom M, he is ill suffering hopefully he will make it over next weekend.
Doubt if there will be much clearing up done in the sewing room, will see how I feel later.
Supper sausage, mash and beans for supper tonight, I made an apple and blackberry crumble yesterday so plenty left for today and tomorrow.
So Sunday, last day this week. We had our usual Sunday breakfast, 9.30 DB said he heard someone knocking, I went to the door, it was next doors gardener. I arranged for him to come back in about an hour, to have a look at the garden and see what he can do. DB has arranged for T to come over a week tomorrow and cut back all the overgrown stuff. He may not get everything done then, will arrange for another visit a bit later.
It was a fine sunny morning, I am hoping to get the whirly up, might get the gardener to bash the socket in as a temporary measure until GGS can come to dig the hole, on the other hand might get T to do it whilst he is over, he loves to dig a hole.......
I might tackle a bit more of the sewing room later. I have found the box with the vases etc in, so can get them up on the shelves and some weight on the bottom to make sure they are weighted down. I must get the cutting table in, I can then clear boxes etc and get the stuff ready to go in the attic. I just cannot wait to get everything straight, and be able to relax a bit.
There is not school run for 2 weeks over the easter break, a few days half term in May and then 7 weeks over the summer break. The wihte car I complained about is back. I am sure she goes into town, the car is often there all day, will see what happens over this holiday.
Prepped supper, roast lamb, potato's cauli and carrots, we have the crumble to finish off fer dessert.
Sunday, March 17, 2024
Last doing nothing day
We had our usual lie in this morning, it was 10.30 before my feet touched the ground. We both had a decent nights sleep. 8+ hours for me.
Woke to rain, but it has cleared up and the sun is shining, how long for is anyones guess. Have parcelled up some pillows for the bin men tomorrow, We have 4 each on the bed, I chuck 3 out DB usually 2. so the six I found packed in boxes are going out.
Wall to wall rugby yesterday, I managed to read almost half a book whilst DB watch the TV.
Veggies prepped for tonights supper, roast chicken, roast potatoes and mixed veg......DB has taken a liking to a mixture of peas, sweetcorn sliced carrot and green beans. I have a couple of raspberry trifles for dessert.
Have to admit I am still very tired, but the sewing room is going to be up, if not running by next weekend. M is hoping to come over and put up shelves etc as they are now needed. So I have to pull my finger out and get it sorted.
Wednesday we have an appointment to get our hair cut in Hose, so will call at the coffee morning as well, possibly call at C & C for lunch on the way home.
I am reverting to the ding dinners once a week and an occasional lunch out. Have put money aside in our budget for it. I caught sight of myself in the mirror this morning, no colour and bags you could keep books in under my eyes, time to finish off the unpacking and sit back and relax!!
Saturday, March 16, 2024
Doing nothing day
After yesterday when DB did not get up until supper time, today has been another do nothing day. We both slept quite well. Shower and breakfast, since then apart from getting lunch, nothing except read.
DB went for his siesta, I carried on reading a Bob Skinner book. Since DB got up it is wall to wall rugby. Bright sunny morning, but the sun has gone and the temperature has dropped.
Supper tonight ADB, Morrison are due with an order between 5 - 6pm, not a big order, just the odd bits we need to keep us going through the week.
M came this morning and at last my sewing room is looking as it should!! two shelves and a wall unit up, just a couple of crates to empty ...
The last week has been a case of ups, downs and almost rock bottom. Last week we went to look at a bungalow in Melton. We were very taken wi...
Pictures of what we hope will be our new home in a few weeks time. Bathroom Destined to be my sewing room. Main bedroom. Longer but not qu...