Sunday, December 20, 2020

So its Sunday

Usual Sunday breakie, we finally made it into the shower just before 10am, both reading, warm and comfy.

Its a clear day, bright and not too cold. DB has dug up a root of rhubarb for DD2, she is coming over tomorrow to drop off some pressies. Also have some onions for my cleaner to grow on.

I am getting up straight after the 'horrid medicine' in the morning and going into do my shopping at Aldi in a bid to miss the crowds, they are opening at 7am all this week. I have quite a long shopping list, has to last at least 2 weeks. They have reduced Christmas veg to 14p, as they do most years.

I had a message from the lady who bought the hideaway table, she sent me a photo of her machine on it........gave me a nice comment on ebay too.

We ended up having chicken and rice with fresh fruit for dessert last night. I had cooked the gammon joint, made soup and cooked the chicken, half for supper and half for the freezer. I was quite shocked at the size of the chicken breasts from Aldi compared to the ones I had been getting from Sainsbugs and Morrison, they were almost double the size and half the price. The gammon has been sliced and 3 lots of 2 portions in the fridge, enough for supper tonight and some for sarnies left out. Veggies done. Just have a rhubarb and raspberry crumble to do.

Nipped over to see my neighbour and take the Christmas presents, I came back with a bag full for us.

I feel for my cleaner her family live in Essex, she was going down to spend a couple of days with them......thats all off now, she will not see her grandchildren at all. However, I do think that it was right to put in an extra tier, reports that the virus mutation is travelling more swiftly than the virus itself needs to be addressed. I was shocked yesterday to see, on tv, people in Oxford Street, not observing social distancing and a majority not wearing masks. I really wonder if its ever going to go away.


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