Sunday, December 27, 2020

Back to normal??

At least I had a decent nights sleep after 3 bad nights I  needed it. I was just dropping off on Christmas night when DB announced he had palpitations!! I reminded him what the consultant had said and told him to go to sleep, which he did, me? I laid awake till well after 3am.

Thankfully the palpitations had stopped by the time DB woke. He made us breakfast in bed so late getting up. A quiet day reading and watching recorded programmes. We had egg on toast at lunch time and I did a plate of cold meat, cheese, rocket and salad for supper, with strawberry trifle for dessert.

We watched TV in the evening, retired to bed to watch Dunkirk, by which time I was shattered, so corried down and went to sleep.

Usual Sunday brekkie, so once again late getting up.

My neighbour rang to say her smoke alarm was going off and would not stop, went across, I knew it was wired in to the electric, but even turning the switch off had not stopped it. I had rung our neighbour at the back who is an electrician. He came round and discovered that it was not the alarm, but an alarm clock on top of the microwave!! It turned out that the clock in B's kitchen had stopped and she had brought her bedroom alarm clock into the kitchen, she must have pushed the alarm button on, so when it reached the set time it went off. No wonder I could not get it to stop, so after a bit of a laugh, I put a new battery in the kitchen clock, returned the alarm clock, with the alarm turned firmly off to B's bedside table and came home. Enough excitement for one day thank you.

Supper tonight is sliced  gammon and turkey, jacket potato's and tomato and celery salad with trife for dessert.

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