Monday, December 28, 2020


So we are in the run up to 2021, what will next year bring?  Change on a lot of fronts I think. Getting used to new rules now we are no longer in the EU, and coping with the covid mutations which now seem to be coming along.

Neither of us has had the vaccination, I am not sure if I will get it as I am allergic to quite a few things, especially bites and stings, time will tell I expect.

A quiet day yesterday, I have 2 library books to read before next Monday when the mobile library comes. I also have a couple of books on my tablet to read, but I will get round to them.

We finished up most of the Christmas food. I have enough sliced turkey in the freezer for one main meal, there is cheese and pork pie left and also 12 mince pies and part of a stollen which we will have to eat, possibly will have the mince pies as a dessert, I have a small panettone to make a bread and butter pudding.

The washer is on, clothes will go in the dryer, its a damp cold morning. I woke just after 7am to take the dreaded Monday medication, put on a cardigan, pulled up the quilt, put on the electric blanket and settled down to read the news on my Tablet.

Cleaner is due this morning, the house is not too bad, DB has done his usual round of the bins and emptied them into the recycle bin.

I still have a sheet and quilt cover to iron, will do them this afternoon when DB has his siesta.

A simple supper has been requested, so egg, chips and beans by request of DB. There is a tiny bit of trifle left which he will have, I may well just have fruit.


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