Tuesday, December 22, 2020

cold morning

Its a fine but cold morning, the sun is out, but we are promised rain later. The roads are partially flooded.

Have been playing postman this morning, cards round the neighbourhood, I managed to get some from Aldi yesterday, Note to self to get more to keep in stock.

My cleaner has just been with a small panetone and a lemon.....so the smoked salmon and rocket salad is saved for Christmas day.

Load of laundry in, it will go in the dryer. DB has just gone out to pick up the cat excrement from the front lawn, its our neighbours cat uses all the gardens round except its own........its disgusting especially if you get it on the mower.

Supper tonight is smoked haddock and poached eggs. The last of the crumble for dessert. We will finish off the soup with some toast at lunchtime.


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