Monday, December 21, 2020

so we are ready

 Apart from the lemon I forgot for our smoked salmon and rocket salad Christmas lunch!! We are having our turkey in the late afternoon.

£77 spent, I was at the shop by 7.45am. DD2 met me there and we exchanged presents. Granddaughter is doing very well after her op, she is now having soft food and is loosing weight. I did my shopping and got home around 9 am. It took ages to put everything away, the fridge and freezer are both full. Some of the veg is hanging up in the shed it will keep fine until I want to use it.

Cleaner has been, left us a present, she has taken hers, she will be surprised when she sees the runner which she has been admiring since I made it.  I made one for her Mum for Christmas with trees on.

I have a new chair for my sewing machine coming tomorrow. I have to put it together, but apparently its not too hard to do.

Supper tonight is fritatta and salad....there is rhubarb crumble for dessert. I used the liquor from the gammon I cooked on Saturday to make  lentil and bean soup, there is enough left for lunch tomorrow.

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