Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Its raining

It forecast rain and it is. pouring.......There are warnings out for flooding as the rain is to be heavy and sustained, just wonder what else can happen to dampen the Christmas spirit!!

We are ready, my cleaner called in yesterday with a lemon for our smoked salmon and rocket salad lunch on Christmas day, we will have our main meal early evening.

It would appear that the mutated covid virus is in Leicestershire according to the local paper. DB is due to get the vaccine as he is 87, no sign of it happening yet. The medical practices in the area have opened a vaccine centre in a local sports hall and are calling people as and when.

So the two parcels arrived yesterday, one was the new chair for my sewing room which I started to put together, have managed to miss a step out and now cannot release the chair back from the seat to alter it......that will teach me. Have had to appeal for help.

Call in the the GP have the wretched UTI back again.........just when I do not need it!!

Nothing going on today, DB has been going through the TV Choice to sort out what to watch over the Christmas period, to be honest most of it is repeats.

Supper tonight is sausage and mash, we have finished the crumble so it may be cheese cake.


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