Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Its freezing

DB tells me its zero outside, it can stay at zero, I do not need to go out today!!

We had another bad night last night, so late getting up, plus it was warm and cosy in bed despite DB snoring!!

It was great having my cleaner back yesterday, the house is nice and clean. I just have to put the steamer on the hall and living room carpets, There are a few spots on the carpet by DB's chair and a definite 'path' to the front and kitchen doors, its more pronounced when the lights are on.

I had another disaster last night, forgot I had put the beans on to have with the egg and chips, they welded themselves to the bottom of the pan!! Took ages to clean off even using bio wash powder.

I need to get into the sewing room and at least have a bash at Niblets story cushion, see how it works, then I can also do the one for Little Miss.

Aldi shopping was fine except I forgot to order any veg, I have carrots and frozen peas and also a bag of frozen cauli and calebrese, so will be using them up.

Load of laundry in the machine, I did the bed linen yesterday, just have to press the pillow cases, I dried it in the dryer so it did not get too creased.

DB is gradually picking up his 'little jobs' which is very helpful.

Supper tonight, beef and bean casserole with dumpling and veg.


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