Wednesday, December 9, 2020


 Not so cold this morning but its windy which makes it feel colder.

Quiet day yesterday. We were up earlier this morning after a better nights sleep for both of us.

We had a message on Monday to say that the over 60's Christmas lunch will be delivered to us between 12 noon and 1.30pm on Friday. So in the gloom there is light. Usually we go to the little chapel for Christmas lunch, its very well attended and marks the opening of the Christmas period in the village. We missed out on the summer tea and harvest supper, so it was a surprise to learn that the lunch is to go ahead in a different form. The trustee at the chapel is very resourceful. We can look forward to an excellent lunch.

I did get one of the book cushions done yesterday, I have the bits cut out for the second one, need to embroider the pocket and then put it together. I am waiting for more fabric to come for Niblets 'blanket'. He enquired about it at the weekend. I am going to make it lap quilt size. If he is lucky he will get it for his birthday in March, but I will need to get on with it. I have to find some toning fabric and also backing, which will not be easy in the present circumstances. I may well go with cotton sheeting for the backing. Still have not made up my mind re design.

Haircut tomorrow lunchtime, its curling again, well past its normal length. 

DB has now started washing dishes, just breakfast and lunch when there are not so many. I usually wash up as I go along at supper time, so he just dries the plates and sets the table for breakfast. He is chomping at the bit to get out in the garden, am not letting him out except to walk up round the garden. Anxious he does not get cold. 

I have salmon in the oven poaching for our supper tonight with salad, I will make some potato salad to go with it. Possibly chocolate pudding for dessert. we will see.

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