Monday, January 11, 2021

A new week

I dislike Mondays, its the day I take my osteo medication and then feel iffy for a couple of days, I am waiting for an appointment to get the injection which has to be done at the hospital, guess with all the covid around I will not be getting it anytime soon, so I persevere with the tablets.

Load in the washer, coloureds, I will wait till later in the week to do a white load, I also need to wash the towels.

Its quite a bit warmer this morning, so heating is back down to its normal level. Cleaner is due. I am wondering how long it will be before even cleaners are stopped. I was horrified at the pictures in the paper of people in parks and on the beaches without masks, what is it with these people??? The hospitals are coping with the fall out from Christmas, watch the figures, they will go up even further in a couple of weeks time.

I am hoping to start on Niblets quilt this week, have decided what pattern I am using - Churn Dash, the centre block will be embroidered, will post a piccy when I have done the first one.

First of the centre blocks done, it has still pulled.....grrrr.

DB and my neighbour are ok, so now they have to wait 12 weeks for the second jab. I am hoping that I get the pfizer jab, it seems more effective than the Astra Zenica one according to articles I have read.

The grand daughter we have not seen since her daddy died is 16 today. Its a shame we have missed so much of both girls growing up, their mother is very non co-operative, because she was not married to Nick she was not entitled to any money for the girls. The money for his 4 children was put into trust until the eldest 2 were 18 and the younger two 21, money could be drawn from the interest for the children, but she wanted to get her hands on the way was that going to happen. His two eldest children from his marriage have had theirs. Grand daughter has gone through most of hers in 2 years. It was not a small sum either.

Supper tonight mac and cheese and salad, I have some rocket to use up.......rhubarb and raspberry crumble for dessert.

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