Tuesday, January 12, 2021

New years resolution?

 Not really, I made a decision to sort the supper as far as I can after breakfast, I find that by mid afternoon I have 'had it', so today starts a new regime.  Tonights supper is steak pie, so as I am using up from the cupboards, I have used a tin of steak, will make the pastry top and put it in the fridge until its time to cook it. Will prepare the veggies to cook as well. We have enough of the crumble left for dessert.

Not so cold this morning, I have opened the bedroom window and switched the radiator off for an hour or so........we do have trickle vents on the windows, but I do like a good airing when the weather permits.

Its on to the second block today, They do not take long to sew out, sorting the thread out takes the time. I am going to starch this one see if it makes a difference.

So, I have a delivery from Wiltshire FF sometime today, I have room in the kitchen freezer for them, there have been times recently when I could have done without having to cook supper. The mac and cheese last night was good, we had it with salad.

Todays offering, still puckered, its where there is very dense stitching.

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