Friday, January 8, 2021

Another frosty morning

Not as low as yesterday, but still cold, glad we no longer have to go out to work, although as things stand right now we could not go anyway thanks to the lockdown.

Yesterdays trip went very well although I was glad to get home safely. DB is fine this morning, will nip over to my neighbour and check on her this morning.

I need to do a bit of an audit on meals for the next 10 + days until my next order from Morrison on 21st. I am scraping the barrel so I can clean out the freezer in the kitchen, it defrosts automatically, but I usually run it down a couple of times a year to clean it out.

My cleaner is still able to come, so we will practice social distancing as usual, we move from room to room as each one is cleaned. Works for us.

I am waiting for one lot of fabric before starting on Niblets quilt, I am pretty sure what I am going to do now, will do an experimental block and see how it works out.

So supper tonight is our usual fish and chips, will have fresh fruit for dessert.


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