Saturday, January 9, 2021

No snow, just freezing fog

So far we have not got snow, late yesterday the fog rolled in and at bedtime it was very foggy, as it was when we got up, however, the sun has broken through although the temperature is still below freezing. We are going out in a short while to do a bit more sorting in the shed where the freezer is going.

I nipped over to my neighbour yesterday to check she was ok, she said she was very weary, which is one of the side effects of the vaccine, will phone her today and see how she is. Wonder of wonders DB, apart from a sore arm, is ok.

Yesterday I did a check through what I have in the freezer and cupboards to keep us going until our Morrison order comes. We had an email yesterday to say that Aldi now had the provision to go in and alter orders for their click and collect which is great. It was one thing I missed.

Apart from a short time in the shed, nothing planned for the day, I am waiting on two parcels, one of which was posted Royal Mail some days ago. Still waiting for the estimate from the electrician......I have decided to hang off ordering the freezer until after the 21st to make sure the job is done before it arrives.

Tonights supper will be all day breakfast, we have 2 mince pies left so they will be dessert. I will raid the freezer for fruit to make a crumble for tomorrow supper. It will be a bit of a mixture, there is very little fruit left.

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