Thursday, January 7, 2021

Deep Freeze

Just when I do not want it, we had a very heavy frost last night and it is still -3. I am taking my neighbour and DB for their covid injections later this morning, need to travel into Melton. Looks like I might have to go the bus route way which takes us up a very steep hill, but its a bus route so should be gritted. Fingers crossed it lifts before then, we need to leave at 10 30am unless they ring to cancel.

The chap is coming this morning with the letter giving us permission to do the electric work, so I can order the freezer........hope to get it delivered the week I get my Morrison delivery.

DB had palps again yesterday, lasted for about 5 hours, just not bothering about them, the pacemaker will pass information to the Pacemaker clinic remotely. They can decide if anything needs to be done.

Quiet day, it was very cold. DB did go out and shift some light stuff in the shed, we need to move the  pallet where the freezer is to go. I think I will have to do most of that, bit by bit. Electrician is coming next week to put the wiring in.

Supper tonight will be bacon frittata and salad. We ate the sponge puddings yesterday. I went to make a rapsberry jelly, no jelly...... hey ho.


After defrosting the car we travelled and returned safely, now my neighbour and DB have to wait up to 12 weeks for the top up injection. The roads were not too bad, but the freezing fog became thicker as we got closer to home. DB was taen early, so we were home before 12 noon which was great. A large bowl of soup and a bread roll was our lunch and very welcome.

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