Friday, January 29, 2021

Day 324 of Lockdown

So apart from a couple of absolutely necessary trips out we have been in lockdown for 324 be honest its getting very boring now, but obviously we understand why it was do important. We have both had the first part of the vaccine, waiting for the second bit now.

I started the blocks for niblets quilt, have not sewn them together but they are in piles ready to do. Whilst I was sewing yesterday afternoon there was a massive cracking sound, looked round but could not see anything, later I went to move my chair back and found a massive crack in the back. It was a cheap chair I bought some years ago from Ikea, so its going to have to go out. I will have to use the new chair for both machines.

We had another couple of calls re our internet, but I had found the number that was calling and I put a call bar on so both times it rang and when the answer machine cut in the line disconnected. I need to see if I can get number ID put on the phone.

I had an email telling me our power and gas supplier had gone bust, I read the meter as instructed, have to wait now until we are told who our new supplier is and will then use the MSE switching service to find the cheapest supplier. Martin Lewis was going on about it on his TV programme last night.

A fine morning, it is +7, so a bit warmer, heavy rain and snow is forecast but not for us thankfully.

Supper, tonight is fish and chips and I have a couple of small ginger puddings so we will have those for dessert.

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