Thursday, January 28, 2021

I don't believe it!!

8am the phone rang...... yes it was the same call that I had 4 times yesterday. I will be putting a call bar on. Just have to figure out how to do it.

Its raining and looks as if it has been all night, there are already reports of flooded roads and parts of the country are forecast to have up to 8 inches of snow!!

Stripped all the towels out of the bathroom, they are in the washer, needless to say they will be dried in the dryer.

I am pleased to say that the nights are drawing out, we used to have to put the sitting room lights on between 3.30 and 4 pm, last night it was almost 5pm, so a sign that spring is on the day and  hopefully I will feel a bit more cheerful. I really hate the dark nights and hardly better days.

I am on my last but one library book, have not heard from the library so guess the mobile library van will be coming on Monday.

I am going to 'gird my loins' and tackle trimming down the embroidered blocks for Niblets quilt, the fabric I ordered took over a week to arrive......needs must now or it will not get finished. One of the diggers is quite big, I am going to have to make sure I have at least half an inch on each side, the top and bottom is ok. Once I have done that I need to cut the fabric for the churn dash which will have the embroidered blocks as the centre. When thats done I will decide  how to put it together, right now sashing looks like being favourite.

Supper tonight is toad in the hole with veggies, there is one small lemon cheesecake and one strawberry trifle so will finish those for dessert.

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