Saturday, January 30, 2021


to a grey, wet countryside. 11 inches of snow is forecast....... hooray.... not. If it falls tomorrow as it did last week, there will be no cleaner again. We are fine food wise, and warm thanks to the central heating.

Nothing much going on, I have started to put Niblets quilt together, almost decided how it will go, could do with finding my design wall cloth and hanging it up. trying to do two blocks a day, have 2 finished and two set up.

DB had palps again last night, they went off during the night. It was after 1am before I got to sleep. At least now we have the monitor the techies at the hospital can see whats going on. I did check his pulse rate and oxygen levels before he went off to sleep. I bought an oxymeter particularly to check.

Supper tonight is cheese and onion quiche, We like it when its cold so will be cooking it this morning. there are a couple of small cheese cakes to finish off for dessert.

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