Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Winter is upon us

We had a slight fall of snow, thankfully it did not last and has mostly disappeared. It is very cold and we have obviously had a frost, the car windscreens are frozen up. Glad I went shopping yesterday.

DB has cleared a bit of the old coal house so the chap can see where the freezer is to go, he also found an onion which had been chewed, so we have a mouse in there again, will get the scarer out and put it on. I am going to get a double socket put in so we can keep the scarer on all the time. Without a doubt it is a field mouse.

I am using up stuff from the little fridge freezer just now........ once I get the other one sorted I can put bread and milk in the bottom, so I have a couple of weeks stock, it can be moved into the fridge freezer as and when. It will also allow me to store half a dozen ready meals too. I bought a swede yesterday to do mashed carrot and swede as an extra veg.  I can also keep that in portions in the freezer.

It is a dull morning, DB says we may get more snow during the day, the temperature will not go up much.

I have taken cooked mince out of the freezer, I froze it in the dish I use for shepherds pie, so will do mash for the top and we will have it tonight with veg. I will also use up the last of the raspberries in some jelly, it will do us a couple of nights for dessert.                                                                                                             

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