Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Not on your nelly

Answered the phone to a call which said my internet would be cut off within 24 hours. At that point I put the phone down, I knew what was going on and scammers are not getting their hands on my dosh ........

Our snow has gone, we are promised more tomorrow, lovely, makes no difference to us we do not have to go out,  its grey and murky outside.

Yesterday I transferred some things from the inside freezer, it leaves a bit of space for some things that will come in my next order a week tomorrow from Aldi.  I will get extra milk and bread for the outside freezer. Last nights beef and bean casserole was all the better for standing in the fridge for 24 hours, we finished off the lentil soup as well, lunch today is egg mayo sarnies.

I did a semi clean yesterday, always wipe over the wet room basin etc and clean the toilet each day, so just a quick flip over the surfaces. I damp dust, so bedroom dusted and the carpet cleaned, moved on to the sitting room and then a sweep over the kitchen floor with the G Tec to get up any crumbs etc, and that was it.

I need to done the mask and go up to the post office in the next village, I have a parcel which needs to go and also some cash.

Tonights supper mac and cheese with jacket spud and a side salad. Will sort out something for dessert. 

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