Friday, January 15, 2021

Its wet

Yesterday was a bit of a weird day, we woke to rain which turned to snow in mid morning, it settled slightly, but this morning it has gone. Its rather grey and damp, we have some fog as well, no sunshine for us.

Our fuel bill came in yesterday, it was very reasonable considering the heating has been running quite a lot. I set the thermostat at 15 when we go to bed, so when it switches on in the morning the house has warmed up, I then turn it down and we wear  jumpers if we feel cold. DB is warmer blooded than me, I am the one who wears a fleece most of the time.

DB had a phone call in the afternoon from the assessment clinic our GP had recommended. His short term memory is quite bad, he got very upset when he could not remember the name and address he was given. I have been aware of his failing memory for quite a while and decided it was time we checked it out, its almost 12 months since he saw the GP. Of course Covid interfered. We noe have to wait for the verdict.

I did manage to get another block middle done, a dumper truck this time, I have another one set up to do today. Once they are done I can make the blocks up and sort out how they are going in the quilt.

Its Friday so fish and chip day as usual, I made an apple and blackberry crumble yesterday it will do us for a couple more suppers.

Two more blocks done today, I am very disappointed I think the fabric I was sold as cotton is in fact poly cotton and that is why I have so much puckering in the blocks.

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