Saturday, January 16, 2021

Oh D & Blast

Yesterdays two blocks came out so puckered...... I had a feeling that the fabric was not as it was sold, I am always very careful about buying 100% cotton for a quilt, I did the crinkle test and then set fire to a small piece of fabric, its not cotton, its poly cotton. I am furious, I have spent all week sewing the blocks and heaven knows how much thread....... so its all going to start again. I have ordered fabric from a shop I have used before, and will have to start again when it comes. To say I am not happy is an understatement. It will put me back at least 2 weeks. I will have to find something to use the fabric up, its not colours I would usually use except for a baby quilt and it cannot be used for that anyway.

This morning, like yesterday its raining, we seem to have escaped the snow so far, lets hope it continues. The weather is so depressing as is our situation with Covid. Its almost a year since we decided to lock down a week before BJ put the country into lock down. 

Supper tonight is quiche with salad, I will use up some small potatoes to have with it and we will have the last of the crumble.

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