Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Todays the day!!!

Our Doctors practice phoned me on Monday afternoon offering me the Covid vaccination today, of course I said yes, so after lunch I will be driving into Melton to get my dose. I will be eternally grateful to those brave men and women who stepped up to the mark, produced and tested the vaccine in 12 months. They all deserve medals.

This wave of Covid which has mutated is far worse than the previous two, so many people are affected, how many of them I wonder, met with family and friends over the Christmas holiday? Our death count continues to rise although the infection rate seems to be coming down. Its not just the elderly this time but across all ages, even babies.

I have towels in the washer, they will have to go in the dryer, its a cold damp morning, very grey skies and the forecasters tell us we are due for 8 inches of snow at some point. I am going up to the post office this morning, all masked up. Then after lunch I will drive into Melton for 'the jab'.

Making leek and potato soup for lunch, fresh bread, we are running out of toasting bread, so saving it for morning toast. I have ham out for tonights supper. We finished off the crumble last night. The steak pie went down very well.

So ham with salad and half a large jacket potato for supper, possibly no dessert. 


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