Sunday, January 17, 2021


After a dull start we have a fine morning, a brief spell of sunshine.

Our usual Sunday breakfast and then a shower. I have prepped the veggies for supper, need to sort out a dessert, might do chocolate fluff for a change.

No plans for today, I have a washer full of laundry I will put in the dryer, it will be folded and put away. Tomorrow is bed change day, so two loads to go to the ironing lady. Cleaner is also due.

I am hoping to get the shed freezer this week, I am still waiting for the electrician to come and do the wiring.......he always seems to leave things to the last minute. I only asked him to do it because he is a neighbour. He lives at the back of us. I have put off the decorator until the autumn, Hopefully things will have settled down a bit by then.

I am in a use it up phase, today we are having pork belly casserole from the freezer with veg for supper. 


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